Bath houses

Six individual
and self-sufficient bath suites, each designed
with a unique thematic style

Собственные парные
Душевые с ведрами и купель
Отдельный вход
Заказ горячих блюд и закусок
Собственные парные
Душевые с ведрами и купель
Отдельный вход
Заказ горячих блюд и закусок


The area of the house:
from 8-12 people
Rental time:
from 3 hours
42000 тнг/час
The national Kazakh house with a steam room made of fragrant lime is original, colorful, immersing in the atmosphere of steppe culture and age-old traditions,
reflected in the interior and details.
It offers:
- spacious living room with karaoke
- private outdoor terrace
- font and hot tub, hayloft for relaxation
- an area with a barbecue and a cauldron, which can be used when ordering the "Personal chef" service


The area of the house:
from 8-12 people
Rental time:
from 3 hours
42000 тнг/час
A cozy house inspired by the mountainous regions of the Alps, where you will feel absolute peace and tranquility is the right way to get acquainted with a true sauna vacation.
It offers:
- spacious living room with karaoke
- two bedrooms
- private outdoor terrace
- font and hot tub, hayloft for relaxation
- an area with a barbecue and a cauldron, which can be used when ordering the "Personal chef" service

The Hut

The area of the house:
from 20 people
Rental time:
from 3 hours
42000 тнг/час
The largest traditional Ukrainian house with a capacity of up to 20 people with a spacious steam room "mud hut" made of clay and lime shelves is an ideal option for a relaxing holiday with a large company.
It offers:
- living room with karaoke
- private terrace in the courtyard
- font, hot tub, hayloft for relaxation
- an area with a barbecue and a cauldron, which can be used when ordering the service "Personal chef"

The Manor

The area of the house:
from 8-12 people
Rental time:
from 3 hours
42000 тнг/час
A luxurious house with a noble atmosphere and a chic interior, in which you can safely forget about everyday worries.
It offers:
- spacious living room with karaoke
- two bedrooms
- private outdoor terrace
- font and hot tub, hayloft for relaxation
- an area with a barbecue and a cauldron, which can be used when ordering the "Personal chef" service

Bathhouse "In Black"

The area of the house:
from 8-12 people
Rental time:
from 3 hours
55000 тнг/час
A black sauna is a house inspired by the native Russian traditions of steaming, built from a log cabin in the bark with a spacious steam room and a black stove. This house
is an ideal option for true connoisseurs of bath traditions.
It offers:
- living room with karaoke
- private terrace in the courtyard
- font, hot tub, hayloft for relaxation
- an area with a barbecue and a cauldron, which can be used when ordering the service "Personal chef"


The area of the house:
from 8-12 people
Rental time:
from 3 hours
48000 тнг/час
A hut is a house filled with the atmosphere of taiga expanses and endless forests. The main feature of the “Hut” is the classic Russian oven in gray on
birch firewood, the advantage of which is the reference ratio of heat and humidity.
It offers:
- spacious living room with karaoke
- two bedrooms
- private outdoor terrace
- font and hot tub, hayloft for relaxation
- an area with a barbecue and a cauldron, which can be used when ordering the "Personal chef" service


Valentine's Day in the Orlov baths
Valentine's Day in the Orlov baths – harmony, warmth and unforgettable moments
Create a special memory for your significant other

Valentine's Day is an occasion to express your love not just with words, but with impressions that will remain in your heart. In the Orlov baths, we have created an atmosphere where romance is combined with true relaxation, and tradition with exquisite comfort.

What awaits you?

Author's SPA programs of vaping – deep relaxation, cleansing and recuperation
The contrast of a hot tub and a cold font is a real boost of vivacity and energy.
Delicious dishes from the chef - harmony of tastes and national flavor
The space of silence and solitude is a time just for the two of you
This day should be special, and the best gift is the time spent together in an atmosphere of care and comfort.

The best gift for a loved one is a certificate to the Orlov baths. You can choose a certificate for the procedure or a certain amount so that your loved ones can enjoy the relaxation ritual themselves.

99 Turan Ave., Astana
Booking: +7 (700) 716-66-66

Make this day unforgettable by booking in advance or purchasing a gift certificate.
A bath tour in the Orlov baths is a unique event in the world of bath art for the first time in the industry!
A bath tour in the Orlov baths is a unique event in the world of bath art for the first time in the industry! Orlov baths gathers the best steam masters of the CIS and Kazakhstan to give you a unique bathing experience.
The art of relaxation: a special offer in the public Orlov Baths
The Orlov Baths offer an exclusive opportunity to enjoy a true bathing ritual, where traditions are combined with impeccable comfort.

Your invitation to a perfect vacation includes:
– Three–hour ticket to the public Orlov Baths - hot steam, an ice font, a spacious relaxation area and an atmosphere of absolute relaxation
– 40 minutes of massage to choose from – individual approach, deep study and restoration of vitality

Special price: 25,000 ₸ instead of 35,000 ₸

Why should you take advantage of this offer?
– The benefit is 10,000 rubles, while the level of service remains unchanged
– A full–fledged ritual: the combination of intense steam and professional massage
is the perfect balance of comfort and benefit for both experienced connoisseurs of sauna relaxation and those who are just discovering this culture.

Valid for a limited time. Booking by phone 87007166666 or when visiting the complex.

Immerse yourself in a relaxing atmosphere where time slows down and self-care becomes a true art.
Musical evenings in the Orlov Baths are a pleasure for body and soul!
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of a Musical Weekend at the Orlov Baths! Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, fascinating melodies are played here, which take you back to the distant past, revealing the greatness of traditions and awakening true feelings.
Loyalty system in Orlov baths: exclusive bonuses and privileges for each client!
We are pleased to present you a unique loyalty program in the public Orlov baths, which will open up new horizons of economy and comfort for you!
Public Orlov Baths - men's department pleases its guests with new discounts and leisure opportunities!
Dear guests, we always strive to make your stay not only comfortable, but also affordable! We are pleased to inform you that from Monday to Wednesday in the public Orlov Baths there is a 30% discount on entrance tickets throughout the day!
Welcome to the VIP room of the "Chalet" in the public Orlov baths!
We are proud to present a new standard of sauna relaxation — the VIP room "Chalet", created for true connoisseurs of comfort, privacy and style.
Orlov Baths: The launch of a franchise and a new chapter in the bath culture
Orlov Baths, known for their unique atmosphere and impeccable service, open a new stage of development and invite entrepreneurs to cooperate.
On October 18, the Public Orlov Baths invite to the grand opening ceremony!
This event will be the beginning of a new chapter in the history of classical bath art and recreation culture. A space where every element is thought out to the smallest detail will open its doors for the first time to demonstrate the power and beauty of traditions combined with modern solutions.
On October 15, the Public Orlov baths open their doors to the first guests!
On October 15, the doors of the men's department of the public Orlov baths open in Astana! Hurry up to become the first guests and enjoy the traditions of true bath art in a new format.
All the news

Лучший досуг - парение в бане.

Мечтаете об отдыхе душой и телом? Есть замечательный вариант, который не просто расслабит, но и оздоровит — баня.

Почему бани так популярны и даже рекомендованы? На это есть много причин.

Высокие температуры активизируют и нормализуют лимфатическую систему в организме. Парение помогает укрепить иммунитет.

Банная процедура – тренировка для сердца и сосудов. В процессе парения происходит укрепление сердечной мышцы и снижается риск инфаркта миокарда.

Через пот выходят шлаки, токсины и другие отработанные вещества. Очищается и омолаживается кожа.

Баня расслабляет мышцы, снимает стресс.

Все эти плюсы сделали банные процедуры еженедельным любимым досугом для многих. Баня — это одновременно отдых, общение, релакс и перезагрузка.

Комфортный отдых в комплексе Орловские бани в Астане

Какую баню выбрать для посещения? Среди множества вариантов в Астане любители пара отмечают Орловские бани. Главное преимущество комплекса несколько вариантов бань, каждая привлекает своей “изюминкой”.

В домике “Усадьба” парная выполнена из липы и кедра, а установленная печь Миронова дает мягкий пар для любителей легкого парения.

Печь-каменка в “Шале” обшита талько-магнезитным камнем, а стены парной липой и сибирским кедром.

Домик “Изба” привлекает печью-каменкой и дровами их березы.

“Баня по-черному” для тех, что хочет погорячее, температура в парилке с печью без дымохода доходит до 70°C.

В украинской “Хате” и казахской “Юрте” парные выполнены из сосны и источают приятный аромат.

Поводом попариться в баньке может быть много: совместный поход с семьей, встреча с друзьями, корпоративный вечер или предсвадебные мальчишники-девичники.

Домики банного комплекса Орловские бани рассчитаны на 8 человек, а “Юрта” позволит отдохнуть компанией до 20 любителей бани.

Комплекс предлагает не только парилку, но и другие банные процедуры: массаж (классический, масляный или мыльный), парение с различными вениками, пилинг и иные спа-процедуры.

А еще для всех гостей банного комплекса в Астане есть комнаты отдыха с караоке, купель, наполненный отваром трав горячий чан, мангальные зоны и уютные спальни.

Орловские бани - банный дом для тех, кто ценит качественный пар в сочетании с достойным сервисом в столице.